2D Animation

Rock Band

2D Animation projects all created with in After Effects- for more animation project I have done please look on my video page or go to my YouTube an Vimeo profiles.


Getting a degree (simplified!) motion graphics animation to celebrate graduation ceremonies at UWS. Unfortunately I’m unable to make it mine in Paisley next week.

Ray Holder B00234641 Outcome2

UWS Yr4 BSc Animation w/ digital art – Character animation Outcome 2 submission, animation to show full body animation, the character must be challenged physically. I wanted to flex my 2D animation creative muscles for a change (and challenge) I used After Effects to create my character struggling with a balloon.

UWS guy

Outcome 1 submission, Character Animation module Yr 4 BSc Comp Animation. Made using after effects. Made in error because I didn’t read the brief correctly.


Funk Band

Rock Band animation. characters created in Illustrator and animated in After Effect. This is a personal development project following tutorials online on how to create animated characters for use in motion graphics.